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Tom Barnett, 101
CSA retiree, Tom Barnett, received a replica ’37 Ford in CSA blue, to recognize and honor his years of service and dedication to CSA.


On our 85th Anniversary, we have reflected on 1937 and Central Service Association’s growth and many changes since its inception. And at 101 years old, CSA retiree Tom Barnett knows very well about those 85 years of progress.

At the company Christmas party in December, CEO Scott Blassingame presented Nick Sanford, Barnett’s grandson and current employee, with a replica ’37 Ford in CSA blue, to recognize and honor his years of service and dedication to CSA.

“My Pap turned 101 back in May. He was born in Fulton, Kentucky and lived most of his life in Booneville. He moved to Tupelo with my grandmother over 60 years ago and has been here since,” Sanford told the crowd of fellow employees. “He’s always been a big inspiration in my life, and he always talks about how he enjoyed his days at CSA until he retired. He still asks how everything’s going and for updates on everything. He even asks if he can help with anything.” Sanford told the group that his grandad stays busy, despite being more than 100.

“For the recognition ya’ll have given him today, he will be tickled to death. And, I appreciate it from the bottom of my heart as well. He’s a great guy and I hope I can follow in his footsteps.”

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